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2022 Failed goals

Published: at 05:19 PM

At the beginning of 2022 I made the risky decision to create a list of goals for the year that would hopefully push me forwards a bit on the road to becoming an indy.

Here’s a screenshot:

2022 Goal List

The intention was to:

You will note that none of those ever got checked off or even moved to ‘In Progress’!

A big fat FAIL on this then?

Looking back on the year, it was pretty eventful and incredibly busy. Most of these goals would take many hours of hard work and to be honest I had the dual menace of ‘not enough hours in the day’ and ‘can’t be arsed’ to contend with. None of this was ever going to happen…and I probably knew it at the time.

So let’s look forwards and not backwards.

This second post in the blog (yes second) counts almost towards starting a devlog, although I haven’t yet published a line of code, and I have started the second product - which in itself is a lie because you can’t release a second product if you haven’t yet released a first one, but something is underway that isn’t the intended thing!

But I digress. Goals for 2023 are going to be a bit simpler:

2023 Goals, definitely

Oh, and get healthy and lose weight…but that’s a given!

